National Key point Training in Horizon View trains security guards to also answer alarms and may apprehend individuals who pose a security threat. Many large organizations hire security guards and security directors, the latter of whom manages the guards and the security system overall.

  • Statistics Security Guard Training Programs

Statistics prove that most security guard employers provide newly hired security guards with job training. Nevertheless, Mason Security & Training understands that since most states require security guards to be licensed, formal training programs through vocational institutes have become a standard method of training. Each state has different requirements for the amount and type of training needed, so professionals working in various states may have to go through several training programs.

Security guard training programs often must be completed during the first 100 days on the job, though this requirement varies by state. Topics covered during the training programs include basic security techniques, investigations, report writing, patrolling tactics, firearm use and emergency procedures. At National Key Point Training in Horizon View, students specializing in particular types of security management such as private, airport, armoured car or armed escort, may need to take additional courses to learn the necessary skills for these specialty security professions.

·         Security Guard Classes

Since most states require security guards to renew licensure or certification, students at Mason Security & Training often have to participate in a security guard class as a form of continued education required for the renewal process. And yes National Key point Training in Horizon View is aware that some states may have pre-structured classes for the license renewal process, but other states may allow security guards to choose individual classes from an approved list of coursework. These refresher classes at Mason Security & Training typically focus on either armed or unarmed security guard training.

·         Job Requirements

Most states require that security guards be at least 18 years of age. Education requirements vary, but Mason Security & Training accepts workers who hold the equivalent of a high school diploma, according to the BLS. Applicants at National Key point Training in Horizon View must also pass criminal background checks and be fingerprinted. Some states also require security guards to pass physicals prior to employment.

Nearly all states require security guards to complete the licensing process during the first few months of employment. To qualify for the licenses, Mason Security & Training applicants must first complete the mandatory training programs. License applicants at National Key point Training in Horizon View usually have to pass written tests that cover topics such as crime prevention, emergency procedures and evidence handling. Practical skills tests are often required, especially to verify a security guard’s ability to safely use weapons.  National Key point Training in Horizon View is here to help you, contact them at